
50 Audio Reviews

30 w/ Responses

Needs to be better quality and you need to fix the microphone pop :D Your mic is too close. Reckon you could be quite unique as I don't think there are many Scootlandish lassies on ere.

NikitaDevelops responds:

Oh, thank you muchly :)

Decent. Think the high end layer of the bass is a bit too loud. This track reminds me a little bit of Calibre - Why Time.

Keep producing mate.

AeroMusic responds:

cheers man, yeah I agree with you there. I remember loving the bass when I made it but I suppose its not too special being and doesnt need to be that loud in the mix

Probably THE best liquid producer on NG

AeroMusic responds:

big words - thanks alot mate

Really well produced. Good to see some decent liquid tunes dropping on the audio portal.

Atundra responds:

Thankyou Chozz,

Really liking this one. Given you a follow on soundcloud. Your intro's are really well structured.

DreamEater responds:

Thank you so much for your support!

Decent tune! Drums are tight. Bass could do with sitting a little more prominent in your mix.

DreamEater responds:

Thanks for your feedback, I definitely agree the bass is pretty odd. I was experimenting with that warble bass sound and this is essentially where I left it after hours of farting around.

Not sure if this will be allowed on Newgrounds. That depends on where you got his voice sample from? If you've asked Akon himself i'm sure it will be fine.

Karten responds:

Akon would never have time to answer someone like me. But if they have a problem with putting his voice into a drum and bass song promoting him. And not earning anything myself except pleasure of contributing and making music. Wich I think is fun. They can send me a message.

There seems to be more ambience than drums and bass. Your track makes up of something like 2:00mins of Ambience and is too short :D If it was longer i'd be all over this.

I enjoyed this. I might get into making some 8 bit tunes soon haha.

However ive given you 3 star review (Gave you a 5 on the vote cause peeps are obv zero bombing you or giving you zeros without leaving reviews) because the name you've given it is rubbish ;)

You've also tagged it as metal and rock :P

metroidfannumber1 responds:

I thought I fixed that! Seriously though thanks! Just wish something on this site would work...

Title for me nails it. Love it when the drums kick in, you got some nice breaks.

Think i've said it before... Not long enough ;)

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